He lies

"I am so proud of you" "You have accomplished so much". So he speaks but does not mean. I burn myself out from doing too much at once, school, work, sports, church, I ran myself dry. I always had good grades, always studied and am passionate about things I enjoy. My parents have always supported me...so I thought. My mother has supported me since day 1, my dad however, is a different story. My dad always said he was proud and this and that, but it didn't take long to realize that it didn't feel like he meant it. Always trying to persuade me to go into something that pays more, when money has nothing to do with anything. Tried to talk me out of college. One day, I overheard him say to my mom, "She's gonna drop out, she can't handle it. She won't make much." So, all they time I had thought my dad believed in me and supported me...was a lie...just like everything else. This damaged my relationship with him more than it already has been. I don't know if i can ever trust him again.
